Customer Reviews for The Queen Extravaganza
Previous reviewers must have been blind and deaf
I don’t know what expectations others had, they’re not Queen, so they won’t sound or look identical, the purpose of tribute bands is to celebrate musicians and bands which they did flawlessly. Sometimes the sound of certain instruments would over power all others but that’s hardly a major issue….. and just for the note…. His trousers do fit
Queen Extrav 2024 Oxford
Spotlights were shining into the audience eyes which made you squint. The two guys singing were dressed in what looked like scruffy jeans. Perhaps a bit of sparkle would have been more adept. During the second half the audience were encouraged to stand, surely if you pay for a seat you want to be seated- there was a man sitting in front of me who clearly found it difficult to get up everytime so he basically sat and watched people's backs the whole second half. I would go again, purely to listen to the songs
I thought I was a Queen fan but did not recognise many of the songs in the first half , we felt tempted to leave at the interval but had paid to see this , The lead singer had an excellent voice but was screaming most of the songs unsure how many more performances they have but he was straining his voice and seemed like he was trying too hard and he looked so scruffy, his jeans may have fitted him once, but had everything stuffed in his pockets, and why did he have to wear a black Mac in the second part? Bizarre The Second half the audience warmed up as they sang Queen songs everyone recognised. I certainly wouldn’t recommend this, the stage setting was uninspiring I had been looking forward to this for a couple of years and was bitterly disappointed. Looking around at the audience I think there was a lot who felt the same
Not as good as expected, after a 2 year delay. They looked like 4 old guys who had sang at a karaoke, thought they sounded great and formed a band. Alirio the lead vocalist had so much stuff rammed into his dirty jeans pockets he looked like he had just step in off the street and had seen a stage and went for it. We left at the interval
Karaoke at worst
That was a shambles of an evening. They are dreadful/ agree totally with all above comments. The worrying part is they believe they are good. Left after 40 mins- could have easily left 30 mins before but thought it might improve- it didn’t!!!
Queen Extravaganza
Was really looking forward to the show. As stated in other reviews the extreme loud screaming of the lead singer overwhelmed any song he was singing. Brilliant spotlights shining directly into the audience has well. Had The New Theatre Oxford given health warnings we would not have gone. Left at interval completly deaf and blinded! An awful experience.